
Juan Domingo Peron
Argentine Head of State

Entered the army in 1911, Minister of War, became President in 1945 with strong backing from the trade union movemement.

Removed from office during the 1955 revolution and exiled to Spain, he returned und was again elected to the presidency, 1973.

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William Pitt
British Statesman

Known as 'the Younger', son of the 1st Earl of Chatham (the Elder Pitt). Entered Parliament in 1781, became Chancellor of the Exchequer 1782, and Prime Minister (1783-1801 and 1805-6).

Had a leading role in the coalition against France on the outbreak of the Revolutionary Wars; passed the Act of Union with Ireland; resigned after George III refused to grant Catholic emancipation but was recalled to organise new opposition to the French.

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Ranjit Singh
Sikh Leader

Known as 'the Lion of the Punjab' he seized Lahore and made himself maharajah in 1801.

His aim to unite all Sikh territories in India was thwarted by the British. He inflicted many defeats on Afghans and Pathans in the 1820s and 1830s, and jointly with the British invaded Afghanistan in 1838.

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Maximilien Robespierre
French Revolutionary Leader

He led the radical Jacobin faction, and played a leading role in the 1793 overthrow of the Girondins.

As member of the Committee of Public Safety (1793-4), he became virtual dictator, establishing Terror and eliminating his rivals Hebert and Danton. Overthrown himself and executed after the coup d'etat of July 1794.

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Theodore Roosevelt
US President

Writer, explorer and soldier before entering politics in 1881. He became Assistant Navy Secreatary, then led the US Rough Riders in Cuba during the Spanish-American War. Governor of New York, then Vice-President.

He succeeded to the presidency in 1900 after the assassination of President McKinley. He acquired the Panama Canal Zone in 1903; left office in 1909, and failed to win back the presidency in 1912.

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